
Our Services

Regulatory reviews  

Ensuring that your firm and your staff are meeting the latest rules and requirements allows you to concentrate on business without worrying whether you are compliant. HallowayChurchill provides firms with compliance monitoring plans, constant updates, periodic audits, reporting checks and training to ensure you meet all requirements. 

We provide policies and procedures from start up to regular updates.

Operations Strategy

People are the number one resource in every organisation, so planning a company’s future means taking into account the needs and expectations of the people who make up the company. To gain an understanding of people at your company, we engage in a number of strategies to understand your company culture, systems and operations, and, when we plan for the future, we keep the present in view. 

We provide advice on new technical advances, forthcoming regulation and how this will effect your business and operational model.

Licence  Management

Whether you are applying for a new licence, enhancing an existing licence, taking on new partners or are changing ownership HallowayChurchill can assist you throughout the process providing full assistance with all required policies and procedures, business plans, capital requirements, staff and licence applications. 

Applications can be complex and without the right advice an application may be rejected. Let our experience and expertise help you.

About Us

Every member of HallowayChurchill Limited has held senior positions in FCA regulated firms as either CEO, COO, CRO or CCO. Our experienced and professional staff bring distinct strengths and specialities to the company. We work together as a team to make sure that your firm is provided with the skill sets required to succeed.
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